Wears Valley Road!

Road to Golden Memories!

Road to Heaven’s View before being plowed!

Golden View Lodge!

Smoky Mt Golden Cabins plowing snow!

Cove Mountain from Golden View Lodge!

Creek near Campers Bearadise!

Family Memories draped in snow!

Golden Memories!

Campers Bearadise!
Smoky Mountain Golden Cabins
Here at Smoky Mountain Golden Cabins we often get questions about the weather at the cabins. Some folks want to know if it ever snows at the cabins. But mostly, folks want to know is can we make it to the cabin if it snows?
So while we show some area photos here of the last snowfall I’d like to comment on those to questions and hopefully satisfy everyone’s questions!
The first photo was taken of Wears Valley Road and as you can see by the snow on the hood of my pick up at the bottom of the photo, it had just snowed! Wears Valley Road, Route 321 is a state highway and they do a very good job of salting.
So under normal circumstances, the roads around Wears Valley are generally pretty good, even when we get a few inches of snow! I did say the valley. The higher up the mountains you go, the worse the road conditions can become and the more treacherous too. So I am only speaking in general terms about the majority of our cabins.
Now, this next photo shows the road in front of Heaven’s View cabin prior to it being plowed. You can see by the tracks I drove up and turned around and was just getting set up to unload the snow plow to clear the roadway!
In the next photo, there we are at the gate on the road to Golden View Lodge plowing the last large snowfall (8 to 10 inches). So not only do we plow out our cabins, but as time permits, we even help out the neighbors! Ok, what is important to see in this photo is that as we are plowing, the roadway under the snow is already melted. 30 minutes after plowing this road, the snow that was left on the road had completely melted!
In this next photo it looks like it’s really snowing up at Golden View Lodge! And it is, but look closely at the driveway and you will see the snow here is melting! The ground will hold heat and melt snow in all but the most severe snow falls at this level. By removing the snow off the driveway, it quickly melts when the sun comes out and heats the gravel or asphalt! Golden View Lodge is at about 1800 feet above sea level.
On the next photo, remember that the camera makes the mountains look twice as far away as they are in person!
Views like this are what enjoying time in the mountains in the winter is all about!
Here is a beautiful photo of the creek running near Campers Bearadise cabin! I took this photo while parked on the bridge. You have to cross the creek via this bridge to take the road going up to the cabin!
Just to the left where the snow is in the river, you will often see a single crane standing ground in the river. Quite stoic!
Here is a photo of Family Memories cabin on the level ground of the valley floor draped in a beautiful coat of fresh snow!
Beautiful mountain views and easy to get too! We have not had to plow at Family Memories even in the worst of weather! So if you’re not comfortable with winter driving, Family Memories is a great choice!
Our little honeymoon studio cabin Golden Memories is also a great choice for a winter getaway! Beautiful view of Cove Mt (not visible on this day) and easy to get too on a snowy day!
And finally a photo of Campers Bearadise on a snowy day! Campers Bearadise is a great cabin for those using a wheelchair! Friendly access in the cabin! This cabin also has a lot of wildlife and is in a beautiful wooded setting!
Come and enjoy staying at Smoky Mountain Golden Cabins, where we won’t leave you to fend off the winter alone! www.smokymountainsecludedcabin.com or call 865.202.7657 Thanks!